Tuesday 13 October 2009

MH- product analysis 2

JLS- Beat again

From the beginning of the video, it is evident that this video is for a boyband. It has all the typical conventions of a boyband video and is executed in exactly the same style as most other videos of this pop genre. Furthermore, in boyband videos, sometimes there is a link between the visuals and lyrics, however in this video, there is evidently no link. In fact the whole video is performance based as the band are dancing and singing in synchronisation with the song and so this video is an example of amplification. Furthermore, a first person mode of address is used throughout the video, which indicates that this is a boyband video, as this technique creates a voyeuristic aspect for the sequence. This further reinforces the typical conventions of a boyband video as boyband’s are generally represented as young attractive males, as this supports the cult of youth and beauty, ultimately creating more of a fan base. The video therefore, is post-modern in the way that the video has no other reason than to promote their music and sell their product, ultimately meaning that the video is an advert for their product. This is why the band is represented as perfectly moulded young males, so that the appeal to the band is broadened.
The video is very upbeat and fast pace, therefore, the shots are cut very quickly and there are a lot of shots used, throughout the performance there is a consistent pan from left and right of the performance area, and also a consistent zoom in & out, these shots are alternated so that the visuals are constantly changing, this is so the video is open to repeatability. Every now and then the shots are cut with a blink effect; this is used so that the shots can jump easily to another shot. For example, there is a close up of Astons face, then the blink is used and the next shot is of the band performing. Close ups are used throughout the video so that the audience can get a detailed look at each of the young men’s face, this could be viewed as quite provocative in the sense that young females may be attracted to the group.
The only social group represented in the video is young males. And this video connotes that all young males are attractive, athletic men. Furthermore they are represented like they should be iconic for the younger generation, and in many ways this becomes true, for their recent success has boosted their popularity in the younger generation. They are all represented as likeable characters as they all smile throughout the performance, and create this first person mode of address as i mentioned previuously. There is no idealogical discourse as such which is used in this video, only the cult of youth and beauty which promotes the band as an astheticaly pleasing group of young males. no other institutions or groups are represented throughout the video which creates this focus on just the band, which would glamourize there fame and stardom.
This video would be played on all music channels that play general pop and recent hits, as this channel spreads out to a wider audience than those that just focus on hip-hop/soul/R&B videos, although the video could be played on those channels also. the target audience would probably mainly be teenagers or young adults as these groups are more likely to be interested in commercial music.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good video to deconstruc i think mitch, because the dance routines will possibly need to be thought about in our video. We must remember when doing the video not to pretend to be JLS though and keep our own style. peace out.
